Weber High School Class of 1969
Malbert, Arne
Hello everybody
I´m still kicking and looking forward to hearing from YOU. After having worked for two American Companies with their future way behind (DEC and Sun), I'm now running my own consultancy agency specialising in Business Comunications. And enjoying my pensionplan. I´m improving my golf-hcp and spend as much time as possible on the ocean, or right by it. I have a house 25 yrds from the shore and a boat for fishing and sunbading. Boating is my favourite time wasteing activity.
Only two of you have ever visited me. James Elmer turned up 27 years ago and Val Markos in 1995. Time flies, doesn´t it. I would be happy to welcome some more visitors from Utah. Sweden is a beautiful country and in many aspects Utah-in-reverse. And I visited you in 1975 and in 1988 I believe it was. I would love to come again, but can´t make it for the reunion. Drop me a line to . Have fun and enjoy life!
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